Radiography Courses


Radiographic Testing Course Level I – 40 Hours


Radiography is one of the most heavily utilized NDT methods in all industries. Industrial Radiography or Radiographic Testing (RT) uses ionizing electromagnetic radiation to view objects in a way that can’t be seen otherwise. It is a method of inspecting materials for hidden flaws by using the capability of short wavelength electromagnetic radiation, x-rays, and gamma radiation, to penetrate various materials.

Course Outline

Properties of Matter
Radioactive Materials and Safety Principles
Types of Radiation
Interaction with Matter
Basic Principles of Image Formation
Film Handling
Exposure Techniques


Radiographic Testing Course Level II – 40 Hours


Radiography is one of the most heavily utilized NDT methods in all industries. Industrial Radiography or Radiographic Testing (RT) uses ionizing electromagnetic radiation to view objects in a way that can’t be seen otherwise. It is a method of inspecting materials for hidden flaws by using the capability of short wavelength electromagnetic radiation, x-rays, and gamma radiation, to penetrate various materials.

Course Outline

Darkroom Facilities
Indications, Discontinuity, and Defects
Manufacturing Processes
Safety Principles
Radiographic Viewing
Application Techniques
Codes and Standards


Radiographic Interpretation Course – 24 Hours


This course is designed for the certified level II RT personnel. Various codes and standards are included along with a number of Radiographs containing natural defects.(ASME Sec VIII, API 1104, AWS D 1.1, ASME B 31.3) Radiographic films with natural and artificial discontinuities in welds are being provided for the practical. Detailed acceptance – rejection criteria are being discussed during the class for a thorough understanding of the subject. Participant should be able to carry out film interpretation to the above codes independently upon completion of this course.

Course Outline

Radiographic Technique
Film Quality and Manufacturing Processes
Radiographic Evaluation and Interpretation


Radiation Safety Course – 40 Hours


This course provides an understanding of the basic principles and fundamentals of radiation safety applicable to gamma and x-ray industrial radiography. It addresses all required training topics specified in federal (10 CFR 34.43) and equivalent state radiation control regulations; and topics listed in App. A to ASNT CP-105-2011 (excluding neutron radiography). Learning outcomes are assessed using written quizzes at the end of each lesson and a comprehensive final exam.

Course Outline

Personnel Safety and Protection
Survey Instrumentation
Radiation Area Surveys
Survey Reports
Safety and Health
Biological Effects of Radiation
Exposure Devices
Emergency Procedures
Storage and Shipment
State and Federal Regulations

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